U.S. CENSUS 2020
The 2020 Census is here! Many of you have already responded, while there are many that have not. The 2020 Census is for EVERY single person presently living in the United States of America and its five (5) territories. The Census is easy and simple.
While the 2020 Census will determine congressional representation and over $800 billion in federal funding, it also impacts our community…school lunches, how many teachers & nurses, plans for roads & highways, support for our Fire Fighters and families in need, and so much more for the next 10 years!
The impact for our city, the City of Wooster is just as important. Since we don’t have a sales tax, the money we get from the county’s 1/2 cent sales tax to run the city is BASED SOLELY ON OUR POPULATION. The money we draw off the state for our streets & roads, etc is BASED SOLELY ON OUR POPULATION as well. This is another reason why we are encouraging EVERYONE to fill out the Census because EVERYONE COUNTS even BABIES! This count is critical and has to last us the next 10 years!
We are urging you to respond to the 2020 Census TODAY to help our nation…all for one and one for all!
Please review “a letter from the Mayor” written to all our residents and our neighbors regarding the 2020 Census. The letter dated, March 4, 2020 now has an update due to the pandemic COVID-19 virus. You may review the update below the letter.

UPDATE DUE TO COVID-19: While it is still just as crucial to fill out the United States Census, unfortunately the computer access in Wooster City Hall is no longer accessible due to the virus. BUT, YOU CAN RESPOND ON-LINE, BY PHONE, OR BY MAIL. JUST CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW FOR ALL THE FAQ’S AND RESPOND ONLINE AT THE SAME TIME!

REMEMBER the US Census Bureau is bound by law for life to protect your answers and to keep them strictly confidential in every way.