All of our customers in City of Wooster’s Water district, Wooster Water, have the state of the art Badger Water Meters. These water meters are fantastic, in that, they communicate wirelessly, which means, alot more information is made readily available. For instance, not only do we read the water meters in-house, but all of our customers are able to download an app that can send them alerts for any type of continuous water flow that they might have; such as, water leak in their home, water leak on their service line (from our meter to your house or structure), a water hose left on, sprinkler, etc.
The app is called EyeOnWater (Eye on Water). The icon is one big water drop. You may download this app to as many smartphones or computers that you want, you would just have to log in with the same email address and password that you choose when you set it up the first time. You are notified after 24 hours of any type of continuous water flow.
You will also be able to get alerts that City of Wooster may send out; for instance, when we need to shut the water supply down in certain area(s) to do a leak repair. The City of Wooster uses this as their Mass Communication for any type of emergency alerts our customers might need; such as tornado or disaster alerts.
This is available for Wooster Water customers only, due to the type of Badger Water Meters we provide. Our Water District is quite large, especially for our size. Our district lays 9-1/2 miles wide (east to west) and 10-1/2 miles long (north to south). Presently (2023) we have 1800+ customers and still counting daily with our growth! It is with this system that alerts are able to be issued. Since you already pay for this service on your water bill, a few cents per month (see Cell Transmitter Fee), you should download this app & utilize, if you haven’t already. The app itself is really quite incredible, so much that we have had customers that moved or relocated that have actually called the office to say how much they are going to miss the Eye on Water app!
Do you have a swimming pool that you might fill every year? We read the water meters (in-house) on the 16th of every month. Should you want to ever split your billing, you would fill and use as much water as you would like by the 15th of the month, then you may finish it up on the 17th and in, this way, part would go on one bill, while the rest will go on the next bill.
One thing is for CERTAIN, as long as you download and utilize the “Eye on Water” app, you will NEVER get a high water bill that you do not know about because you have the benefit of viewing your water flow in measurements that can tell you just how much water you have used, even hour to hour! When you utilize this app, you will be able to see what we do. You may view your water for the year(s), month, week, day, and hour!
Furthermore, you will have the luxury of being notified through your email address that you provide, any emergency alerts that may warrant your area or community. All you need is your account number and a smartphone or computer or another family member or friend that may do this for you from their phone, for instance. Here are some tips:
- DOWNLOAD the app with the big water drop called EyeOnWater
- OPEN the app & SIGN UP by using your water account number and the app’s zip code which is 72058; regardless, of your own zip code
- CONFIRM that it is you when the app pulls your account up
- SET UP your account, then VERIFY your email address.
- NOTE: if it asks if you want to be notified by continuous or intermittent water flow, choose “continuous”
- NOTE: if it asks how many gallons an hour of continuous water flow you want before the app notifies you, you may use the default, which should be 1 gallon/hour. You may choose to change this at any time.
- FOR ANY PROBLEMS IN SET UP of FOR ANY HELP IN SETTING UP: please contact us, see below…
Thank you,
The City of Wooster
CITY OF WOOSTER: 501-679-7504
FAX: 501-679-7126