Hats off to The City of Wooster who is installing ALL Wooster Water Customers with new, state of the art, water meters!
These meters are called Badger Meters and are made for smart water management (from office and from home). These meters run off a cell transmitter where water flow is now able to be viewed and read from the office. All customers are able to view and read themselves, as well, by simply downloading an app to their smartphone/iphone/android or by simply creating an account on the website. Also, on the app, is a Leak Detector Indicator! How great is that! For app instructions, click on the link below or stop by Wooster City Hall.
So…if your see Wooster Water employees out by your water meter, and then you discover you have a new and pretty ocean blue lid… you have a new meter!!!
Note: Ordinarily, it doesn’t take but a few minutes to change out a water meter. You may experience a little air in your line (whitish colored water and/or a gurgle or two). To resolve this problem, run water out of one of your faucets for a few minutes.